
extendedMD.dtwdist.add_distance_vec_to_pattern_dic(pattern_dic_list, r=None)

This function returns a new pattern_dic_list where each dic has an extra entry with the vector of distances between the BS sequence related to that dic and all the other BS subsequences in the pattern

  • pattern_dic_list (list of dic) – list of all the dictionaries related to BS sequences in the pattern
  • r (float) – distance upper bound (for DTW distance computation)


Return type:

list of dic

extendedMD.dtwdist.compute_dtw_dist_mat(ts_list, r=None)

This function computes the pairwise distance matrix of a list of time-series with Dynamic Time Warping distance. It is based on dtaidistance package

  • ts_list (list of 1D array) – list of time-series to compare pairwise
  • r (float) – distance upper bound - if distance is higher than R, then computation stops and the distance is set as inf this parameter serves merely for speeding up computation

distance matrix

Return type:

2D array

extendedMD.dtwdist.compute_dwt_dist_between_ts_and_list(single_ts, ts_list, r)

This function computes the list of DTW distances between a single time-series and a list of time-series.

  • single_ts (1d array) – single time-series
  • ts_list (list of 1d array) – list of time-series
  • r (float) – distance upper bound (for DTW distance computation)

list of DTW distances

Return type:

list of float